Saturday, December 4, 2010

I'M THE BEAVER, WALTER. AND I'M HERE TO SAVE YOUR DAMN LIFE:  Please attempt to watch the trailer for the new Mel Gibson movie without giggling in ways not intended by the filmmaker, Jodie Foster.


  1. Wha...
    I got nothing.

    You could have said "by the filmmaker, Al Yankovic" and I wouldn't have blinked an eye.

  2. Dan Suitor10:36 PM

    <span>I've been looking forward to "The Beaver" since the script made the Blacklist (best unproduced scripts of the year) back in 2008. I'm pretty sure Mel Gibson is a racist, anti-Semitic madman, but a lot of actors are crazy/terrible people. If he harnesses all that anger and emotion into this role... Wow.

    Also, it's about a guy who goes c<span>razy and personifies a beaver puppet to cope with reality. I don't know what more you could ask for.</span></span>

  3. I liked this idea much better when it was Steve Carell in the Gibson role.

    The trailer looks awful, though obviously all of Gibson's bad karma doesn't help it.

    NB that the screenwriter, Kyle Killen, parlayed this script "success" into developing the doomed Lone Star for Fox. The poor guy seems to be cursed.

  4. Joseph Finn1:42 AM

    I think I've been watching too much Greg The Bunny today...because this looks like a substandard Greg The Bunny episode.  (Seriously, I have been watching Greg today, and this ain't it.)

  5. randy2:43 AM

    Never mind Mel Gibson.  Me, I'm still hung up on the fact that JODIE FOSTER DIRECTED A MOVIE CALLED "THE BEAVER".

  6. Heather K10:08 AM

    RIGHT!?!? Right.  Can't get past the too many poorly formed half-dirty jokes in my head to write anything more.

  7. Joseph Finn10:55 AM

    And it doesn't even have Leslie Nielsen in it!

  8. Eric J.11:39 AM

    Tangent - back in the Kilbourne days of The Daily Show, Frank DeCaro reviewed "Contact" and made the entire thing a riff on Jodie Foster's semi-closeted life, using "scientist" as a code word for "lesbian." I can't find it anywhere on line - the TDS archives don't go back that far. Can anyone help me?

  9. Paul Tabachneck12:36 PM

    Well, I guess you can tell Jodie Foster somethin'.

    This whole thing feels like a prank on Anton Yelchin.

  10. Jim Carrey wasn't available? 

    Played for laughs, I might just roll my eyes and avoid this movie.  Played straight, as a heartwarming tale of a troubled family's struggle towards reconciliation and redemption ... I'm supposed to take this ... I just can't ... wtf?  I wish this wasn't happening.

    But let's be real:

    It's got that uniquely American "if we just believe in the magic of this crazy childish thing all will be well" disease.  It's got seemingly unwavering dramatic intentions concerning it's subject matter that nonetheless steer well-clear of the really ugly side of mental illness.  It's got a lead actor who's mid-term personal history is riddled with really ugly instability and self-destructive behavior, providing a sad omigosh parallel to the comparatively sanitary and presumably non-hateful troubles of the film's comparatively sympathetic protagonist.  And, it's got a puppet with a funny accent running a company and bringing a familiy back together.

    So, in summary, it's probably winning Best Picture of 2011.

    Excuse me a moment.  I have to vomit.


    Also, a propos of nothing at all, if I see one more cgi elf gibbering about cancelling Christmas I'm going to burn down a BestBuy.

  11. Benner6:17 PM

    I personally thought it was in very bad taste that Mel Gibson and Jodie Foster switched parts halfway through the movie, with Mel playing the Beaver.  

  12. bill.6:22 PM

    Looked interesting, in a good way.

  13. JIM BELL1:18 PM

    I'm looking forward to seeing the Beaver with Mel Gibson in it.

  14. bella wilfer2:33 PM

    It's an amazing script and Kyle is a great guy.  You might say he's had bad luck, but at the same time, I know 1000 writers who'd kill for the bad luck he's had - a film and a TV series that actually GOT MADE?  That's no easy feat.  

    Honestly, it's one of the best scripts I've read in the almost 10 years I've worked in the business...I hope the film is even half as good...

  15. Yeah.  Shorlist for sure.  Still vomiting.  It's not you.  It's me.
