Tuesday, April 13, 2010

THE BALL! THE BALL! THE BALL! There wasn't a new Chuck last night, but there's still plenty to discuss from last night's TV, including two weddings on the CW (with extra Dorota!), the return of Evil Will Wheaton on Big Bang (though I thought the Penny/Leonard plot thread fell a little flat), Castle taking on late night TV, and a strong Hugh Laurie-directed House (Thirteen + Wilson was a surprisingly effective pairing, and the Foreman + Taub thread was interesting as well). Discuss as appropriate.


  1. Heather K1:42 PM

    "I've been studying up on the emotional crises of females by reading Cathy cartoons."  AND that is why I love Sheldon.

    Although I agree the Penny/Leonard plot fell flat, I was kind of impressed by Kaley Cuoco digging in and bringing it with the dramatic acting.  I honestly had no idea she had it in her.  Good for her!

  2. isaac_spaceman1:52 PM

    Chuck is taking his time with the mission he gave himself at the end of the last episode. 

  3. lauri3:24 PM

    i thought chuck was taking more of a "practice makes perfect" approach during these three weeks.   god knows they've "taken their time" enough in this relationship. 

  4. Travis12:43 PM

    Quite the timely episode. I know exactly how Penny feels...

    Leonard's quip was quite funny, though. "I've been in this relationship for 2 years longer than you have..."

    I understand how Will fits in with the whole 'nerdy comic books guys' scenario, but it's still just a little bit creepy seeing him play such a scoundrel in his episodes.

  5. Squid3:23 PM

    Maybe a little creepy, but Wil sure seems to be having a good time with it.

  6. Jennifer6:22 PM

    Wil seems to play evil characters in every single role of late. Glad he enjoys it...
