Friday, March 5, 2010

I'VE GOT THAT FEELING FROM THE OCEAN: Really, you can sue Fishbone because you didn't know there would be stage diving at the concert? Assumption of risk, anyone?

Related, because I'll never have a more justifiable reason to use this clip: Fishbone f/Annette Funicello, "Jamaican Ska" from 1987's Back to the Beach.


  1. Genevieve9:41 AM

    That's one hell of a clip, Adam.

  2. Adam C.9:45 AM

    Think they'd like a mulligan on that one? 

  3. J. Bowman10:22 AM

    There has to be a Drew Bledsoe joke in here somewhere...

    Both the patron and the club claim they had no idea there would be stage-diving. If she was just there to see English Beat, and hadn't heard of Fishbone, I can see being surprised by the singer suddenly hurling himself at you. The venue's claim, on the other hand, is BS.

  4. Joseph J. Finn10:48 AM

    It is a very fun movie.

  5. Genevieve11:24 AM

    I have to say, once they fracture someone's skull and perforate her eardrum, one would hope they would give up stage diving.  Jesus.

  6. patricia11:44 AM

    But does anyone else find it surprising that the injury the Daily News led with was her...broken collarbone?  I mean, don't you think you'd put the fractured skull and perforated eardrum front and center when discussing the plaintiff's injuries?  Weird.

  7. Genevieve5:09 PM

    Yes, Patricia, I found that bizarre. 

  8. bill.6:09 PM

    I was about to say you sue if Fishbone doesn't stage dive, but the band is getting old. It was at a Fishbone concert (1990?) that I took a Doc Martens to the side of the head from a crowd-surfing audience member. Knocked my glasses clean off and as I bent down to pick them up about three people grabbed me and hauled me back -- "Dude, you go down there, you ain't never gettin' back up."
