Thursday, January 22, 2009

YOU CAN’T SPELL ‘LOSEAH’ WITHOUT L-O-S-E: Honestly, the palpable sense of injustice that the other cast members expressed about Ariane’s Top Chef elimination was gratifying. Are there any native Italian speakers in our readership who can provide a reliable close translation of Fabio’s clap-slap-wave gesture towards Hosea on the patio? Immediately contemporaneous dialogue that might have provided context seemed to be omitted from the edit, but if I read the general idea correctly … Ouch.

There followed an impressive edition of Restaurant Wars (in a bad way). The leadership vacuum was more or less perfect on both teams. Radhika could not even commit fully to her supremely correct decision to focus on the front of the house and let Jamie take charge of the kitchen, and Leah was apparently unable to bone a fish much less cook one. When the judges sent that plate back it should have been the end of the world. Simply astounding that a Reverse Marshall Plan of Southern European Charm and Northern European Execution could rescue Humpty and Dumpy from their own distracted semi-competence and send the judges to the diners’ review cards for a decision. Fabio, man, he could sell flashlights to the blind.

Finally, speaking of monkey ass on a clam shell (and you knew we would), less is certainly more in the Toby Notbourdain department.

That’s all I’ve got. Likely more than enough.

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