Monday, July 16, 2007

DOES TYLER FLORENCE HAVE ANY RECIPES INVOLVING BOYSENBERRY SYRUP? IHOP is purchasing the strugg-a-ling Applebee's chain (sub req'd). ("[T]he chain's bigger problem is that it didn't change quickly enough while a raft of competitors copied it. In a business where fashions shift -- fashions in food, in decor and in general restaurant ambience -- Applebee's stayed too long with a formula that had worked for it in the past. Attracting diners these days are newer eateries with sleek interiors, a contrast with Applebee's busy walls full of photos and sports paraphernalia. Menus at many newer-generation restaurants stress the freshness or naturalness of their food, a contrast with the fried-and-breaded fare at traditional bar-and-grill chains like Applebee's.")

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