Sunday, September 17, 2006

DO MUSLIMS BELIEVE IN BUDDHA? I DON'T KNOW: And with "male models who met in drug rehab" seriously in need of a nickname already, our Race is back.

The Race went for diversity this season in a different way than Survivor did -- it just found interesting people, cast them, and threw them into the Race like normal. Okay, so there will be some surprises, like Team Did He Stink Of The Lamp? learning Chinese phrases pretty quickly, and a gross-out eating challenge that actually wasn't too gross.

For what it's worth, I'm not sure what to make of the team I'm trying not to call "Team 3 1/2" but is really Charla/Mirna 2.0 -- again, a differently-abled woman, and the teammate who alternately praises her for her endurance and not being disabled, but still exploits that disability as a means to get ahead vis-a-vis other teams. I can't imagine that leg's easy to get through airport security, for what it's worth.

The best part about this episode was the final task, a perfectly constructed physical challenge that let you see how each team dealt with stress, and how the members supported each other. So, who ya got?

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