Tuesday, May 9, 2006

THE SHOW COULD HAVE USED SOME MORE CHUNG-CHUNG AS WELL: Unlike Law and Order, The West Wing (fortunately) rarely, if ever, steered itself toward being "ripped from the headlines." Sure, there were moments (the invasion of Kazakhstan, Jed hiding his MS) that had real world parallels to a degree, but the storylines were mostly original (especially during the Sorkin years). However, the characters are largely torn from real life--Sam Seaborn is an obvious Stephanopolos mirror, C.J. a mirror of Dee Dee Meyers, and Jed is Bill Clinton without the...er...zipper issues. So, continuing our tribute this week, offer up your own real life parallels from the show. (And the two judges in The Supremes are Reinhardt and Kozinski, right?)

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