Sunday, April 9, 2006

THEY ONLY SEE WHAT YOU LET THEM SEE: Wow. A Sopranos episode that spends most of its time on the joys and obligation of family ends with the sadness of when those obligations run into other concerns. (Vague enough for those who haven't seen it yet?)

One of the things which the show does which always trips up the moral compass has always been how much these bad, bad men value their families. As in "One", as it was referred to tonight, there's something awfully seductive about the level of loyalty that members of The Family show to their flesh and blood. It's in the later films that we see the awful price both they and their families can end up paying.

One last question, then it's to the Comments: even if you're using Leonard's La Dolce Vita in Great Neck, can you still really spend $425,000 on a 400-person wedding?

edited to add: Sepinwall's take. I do agree with this: "The leather bar scene was a little cheap and over-the-top, even for a show that once had a character die on the toilet. This season's first four hours had done an impressive job of turning Vito into a creepy, unique character, but once the writers put him in that outfit, they turned him into a joke again."

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