Friday, March 17, 2006

REMEMBER, REMEMBER: Having seen V for Vendetta tonight and generally finding it the cinematic equivalent of being hit over the head repeatedly with a very pretty club, I rather suspect that there'll be some folks who want to talk about it. There's a lot of interesting and provocative stuff there, but it's all lost in mishmush and heavy handedness. Two particular thoughts:

1. Didn't The Constant Gardener handle a similar question ("What does one do when one can't trust their own nation any more?") with far more aplomb and come to a far more sensible answer?
2. As much as the final explosion of the movie is the "money shot," I understand why it's there, but isn't it a far more powerful message for the character NOT to pull the lever? (trying to keep the spoilage down)

A potential subject for discussion--the movie's gotten a lot of press for having a "terrorist" as a hero. Ultimately, who is the hero of this film?

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