Saturday, June 11, 2005

TOM BRADFORD HAS EIGHT FREAKIN' KIDS AND HE CAN'T EVEN GET AN HONORABLE MENTION? Now usually I think TiVo users are a sharp lot, but I'm at a loss trying to figure out this list of TV's 25 Greatest Dads that was culled from responses by 1,000 TiVo owners (related news story complete with worthless quotes from men and women on the street here). I'll grant you that the names on the top of the list like Cliff Huxtable, Andy Taylor, and Mike Brady were all pretty positive role models in a fatherly way, but things get disturbing starting with No. 11, Mr. Drummond (I don't like to confuse fact and fiction, but you can't ignore the way Willis and Kimberly turned out, can you?). Other dads of questionable repute on the list include Red Forman, Frank Costanza, Al Bundy, Homer Simpson, Peter Griffin, Tony Soprano, and Ozzy Osbourne (but not Ozzie Nelson).

Might I offer a list of my own suggestions of TV dads deserving more consideration?
  • Uncle Bill--taking in those three kids like he did and keeping his "relationship" with Mr. French behind closed doors as not to scar them.
  • Mr. Eddie's Father--come on he called his kid "his best friend."
  • Steven Keaton--dealt with Alex's conservatism, Malorie's idiocy, and his youngest daughter's ugliness with class and aplomb.
  • Laverne's Dad--owned a bowling alley.
  • Captain Stubbing--looked the other way when Isaac would slip a little something extra in Vicki's virgin coladas.
  • Fred Sanford--he deserved better than Lamont, someone nice like Boom Boom Washington, JJ, or Rerun.
  • Gomez Adams--creepy and ooky, all together spooky, how cool is that?
  • Herman Munster--do I need to even explain?
  • Rob Petrie--never yelled at Richie for leaving the Ottoman where he could trip over it.
  • Tom Bradford--eight freakin' kids?
  • Ben Cartwright--named his kid Hoss.
  • Hank Hill--a better animated pick than the father from The Family Guy.
  • Pops Racer--he built the Mach V and despite the heartache of never knowing that Racer X was his son, he soldiered on, treating Chim-Chim like his own kin and becoming a model for simian stewardship later inspiring BJ McKay to treat his best friend Bear as an equal.
  • Jed Clampett--rich and less creepy than Mr. Drummond.
  • Geroge Jefferson--worked hard so Lionel could live in a deee-luxe apartment in the sky.
Any other TV dads you think deserve more recognition?

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