Sunday, July 11, 2004

IS IT OKAY IF I CALL YOU A CAMEO? So, I was watching Rocky II last night on tv. It's early on in the movie -- Rocky's finally leaving Pennsylvania Hospital post-match, going across the courtyard with Adrian near 8th and Pine.

There's a teenager in a wheelchair, wrapped up in a cast from head to toe, with just a bright section of red-headed afro poking out of it. He wants an autograph, and Rocky signs the bandages around his head.

But I know I've seen that tuffle before, and IMDB proved me right: it's Philadelphia's Paul McCrane -- a/k/a Fame's Montgomery MacNeil and ER's one-armed man, Dr. Paul "Rocket" Romano.

Up there with knowing that the kid in the barbershop chair in Coming to America is a very young Cuba Gooding Jr, and that Lewis' dad in Revenge of the Nerds was pig-farmer-in-waiting James Cromwell. What's your favorite was-that-really-him?

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