Thursday, March 18, 2004

NEXT UP: WILLARD V. AL ROKER DEATHMATCH: Hot on the heels of my scoop on Ann-Curry-hate, Salon has weighed in with word of a Katie Couric backlash. This I don't get. I had a lot of trouble with Couric initially, principally because I hated the way she got the job. I always thought Norville was treated unfairly (whether or not she had the chops we'll never know), and presenting Couric as the second coming of the button-cute and inoffensive Pauley just seemed like a retreat and a regression to me. But I was surprised by how apparent it is that Couric views the perky-hostess tag as an albatross. She is a tough interviewer, she is smarter and waaay more substantial than both of the guys with whom she was paired up, and she is clearly the professional among the current crew of affable doofuses. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that she's not just keeping the seat warm for Jillian Barberie.

Please feel free to insert a joke here about Gillian Barberie and warm seats.

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