Friday, January 23, 2004

BOYS ON FILM: Cory McAbee has a band called The Billy Nayer Show, that I haven't seen yet. I will though. Oh yes, I will, even though they've apparently quit San Francisco for New York City.

He made a movie, called The American Astronaut. It's hard to describe. Many have tried, though they don't all get it.

As the metacritic and rottentomatoes collections linked above indicate, responses to The American Astronaut have been of the love-it-or-hate-it variety. My own reaction fits the pattern: I loved it. In fact, I thought it was fairygodmotherf-ing brilliant. So I'm inclined to think that those who hated it just didn't get it.

If you see it, and you should, here's a tip that may help you find what there is to love about this film:

It is about guys, guys' relationships, and the portrayal of guys and guys' relationships in popular culture. (It is probably also about "authorship" in a broader sense that I'm too dense to describe after only one viewing.)

The American Astronaut is surreal, funny as hell, and if you stare at it long enough I swear you'll see something true.

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